Playground Addition and Splash Park Enhancements: May 2025 (anticipated construction start) – October 2025 (construction completion).
Note that the Splash Park will remain in operation for the 2025 season, closing for renovations after the Labour Day long weekend.
Lake Country’s Town Centre has been the commercial and institutional hub of the community since inception. With the completion of Main Street in 2008, and continued development throughout the years, Town Centre is well positioned to grow into a more significant residential, employment and cultural hub.
In 2023, the District developed a concept design for improvements to Swalwell Park as well as the design of new trail connections and pocket parks along both sides of the Middle Vernon Creek corridor between Bottom Wood Lake Road, Beaver Lake Road, and Main Street. In 2024, detailed design was undertaken with initial construction phases identified and ready for tendering.
This project involves construction of improvement works in Swalwell Park, including the addition of a destination inclusive playground, enhancements to the existing splash park, improvements to existing event spaces, addition of an off-leash dog area, new pathways and better circulation, updated irrigation system components, and upgraded field areas. The planned improvements will support the sustainable development of Lake Country’s Town Centre through protection of greenspace, creation of active transportation paths and enhancements to community and cultural gathering spaces.