MyLakeCountryis a secure, online service that provides Lake Country residents with 24/7 access to a variety of their accounts. The service also enables users to sign up for eBilling. Registration is easy, all you need is an email address.
Lake Country property owners and utility customers can sign up to:
Access property tax, utility accounts, property assessment, business licence information and building permits.
Pay: bylaw tickets, business licences, utility bill, property taxes and Community Development Fees.
View invoices and transaction history.
Sign up for eBilling (paperless billing emailed right to your inbox).
Get your Notices emailed! Make sure you select the eBilling option when linking accounts.
Linking your accounts
To link your accounts to your profile you will need:
Property Tax
Folio number and access code found on your Tax Notice.
If you no longer have your notice, or are new to Lake Country, send a request by email to
If you are new to Lake Country, you will be able to register for myLakeCountry eServices when you receive your tax notice in the mail, expected in late May or early June.
MyLakeCountry is a site that provides District of Lake Country Property Tax, Utility Billing, and Business Licence account holders with 24 hour a day, 7 day a week secure access to their accounts.
eBilling is a convenient and environmentally friendly way to receive your property tax, utility notices and business licence information directly to your mailbox. Access your account 24/7 at MyLakeCountry eServices
Yes, you can view what is available for online payments here:
A MyLakeCountry profile can be registered by visiting the page here. This page contains a link to start your registration as well as information on linking your Lake Country accounts to your profile once created.
From your MyLakeCountry profile home screen, you will find a Link Account button. Clicking that button will start the process. You will need the account number and access code values from a recent invoice. For more information on where you would find these values on a recent invoice, see the Linking your accounts section of the Lake Country eServices information page.
Contact customer service at Municipal Hall by phoning 250-766-5650 or emailing . They will direct you to a staff member that can assist you with unlocking your profile after confirming your identity. NOTE: You will be asked some questions to validate your identity, so it’s best to have a recent Tax, Utility, or Business Licensing bill handy. Alternatively, you could stop by Municipal Hall to do this in person, ensuring you bring some identification to verify your identity for our staff.
On the MyLakeCountry site login page, below the password field is a link that allows for a self-serve password reset. To use this function, user must have access to the MyLakeCountry profile email address as well as the answer to the MyLakeCountry profiles security question set up previously when profile was created.
If you don’t have access to one or both of these items, then you will need to contact customer service at the municipal hall to be directed to a designated staff member that can assist you. For in-person requests, proper identification will be required. For phone requests, a series of questions will be asked to validate your identity before our staff can assist with a password reset.
While logged into the home screen of your MyLakeCountry profile, click the Update Profile button. You will be taken to a profile information screen where you can click a Change Email or Update Profile button.
While logged into the home screen of your MyLakeCountry profile, click the Update Profile button. You will be taken to a Profile Information screen where you can click a change button (found just to the right of password field in the Security section of screen). You will be prompted for your current and new desired password to complete this action.
Your MyLakeCountry profile has a security question/answer combination that is used with the sites self-serve password reset function. Should you wish to change this security question/answer combination at any time, follow these steps:
- While logged into the home screen of your MyLakeCountry profile, click the Update Profile button. You will be taken to a Profile Information screen where you can click a Change button found just to the right of the Security Question field in the Security section of this screen. - You will be prompted to select a new security question from a list of available ones and then to provide an answer to that question.