Regular Council Meeting - February 4, 2025

Community News

Bylaws for Adoption and Readings Following a Public Hearing

Zoning Amendment Bylaw 1265, 2025 | Z0000335 | 14198 Middle Bench Rd
Council gave three readings and approved the zoning amendment of 14198 Middle Bench Rd. The application allows for Rezoning from A1-Agriculture 1 to A1TA-Agriculture 1 (Agri-Tourism Accommodation) to use an existing residential building for Agri-Tourism Accommodation. 

Revenue Anticipation Borrowing Bylaw 1267, 2025
Council approved the Revenue Anticipation Borrowing Bylaw 1267, 2025.

OCP and Zoning Amendment Bylaws 1247 and 1248|OPZ00002|9751 & 9819 Bottom Wood Lake Road
Council gave three readings and approved the OCP and zoning amendments for 9751 and 9819 Bottom Wood Lake Road. The land use designation will change from Service Commercial to High Density Residential and the land will be rezoned to CD14 - Comprehensive Development 14 (Westpoint Apartment Housing) which allows for redeveloping the subject properties into a multi-family residential development. 

OCP and Zoning Amendment Bylaw 1249 and 1250 | OPZ00003 | O’Rourke Family Vineyard
Council gave three readings and approved the OCP and zoning amendments for 1249 and 1250 O’Rourke Family Vineyard with the condition that the applicant provides park and trail improvement works including widening the access drive to accommodate two-way traffic, and grading and surface improvements to facilitate parking for the Spion Kop trail head located near the District Reservoir at Raven Ride.