Applying for a Business Licence
A valid business licence is required to conduct business in Lake Country. This includes home-based businesses and short-term vacation rentals. Licences must be visibly displayed on the premises and are valid for one year from January 1st of each year.
Review Business Licensing Bylaw - 1000 for more details.
2025 Business Licence Renewals
The business licence team has prepared 2025 business licence renewals for almost 1,000 local businesses.
To access your business licence invoice and 2025 business licence, please ensure you set up the following:
- Create an account at You will require the access number or account code which is listed on your business licence invoice. If you cannot locate this information please email
- Select Delivery Method: Email
- If you already have a MyLakeCountry account, take a moment to log in and verify that you have Email selected as the bill delivery method (not paper). Several businesses do not have email selected.
- If you do not have a MyLakeCountry account you will receive an invoice and 2025 licence (once the invoice is paid) via Canada Post.
Step 1: Do Your Research
Before securing your business location, or deciding whether to operate a home-based business, ensure you have conducted a business name search, registered your company name and confirmed with the District whether the business location is suitable. Follow these easy steps below to quickly guide you through our application process.
Step 2: Which Category of Business Do You Have?
Before filling out your application, you’ll need to determine which licence category describes your business. Each of the categories has its own requirements which will determine which licence you require. Please take note of the appropriate category as it will determine the type of licence you need to apply for.
Step 3: Check for additional requirements
Business Licence - what to know before applying
Apply for a Business Licence (with IH and/or Provincial approval)
Short-Term Vacation Rental - what to know before applying
Payment & Processing
Business licence approvals can vary, depending on the licence type. Typically, as long as your business is within an appropriate zone, and you do not require additional approvals from other agencies, a business licence can be issued within 2-3 weeks.
If you're planning on substantial renovations or have a business that doesn't quite fit within the established zoning, this may take a bit more time. To ensure your application can be processed as quickly as possible, provide accurate information and a full description of your business. For Contractor or Trades licences, please ensure you include a copy of your Trade Qualification Numbers.
Renewal notices are mailed out December of each calendar year.