Interested in better understanding the land development process?

Community News

Would you like to know the facts and better understand future development in your community? 

What is the development approval process?

Before certain development applications are considered at a Council meeting, the following must take place: 

  • Application is advertised for two consecutive weeks in the Lake Country Calendar newspaper 
  • Properties within 100 metres of the property related to the application are notified
  • Notice published on and sent to e-news subscribers 
  • Notice posted to notice board in the lobby of Municipal Hall
  • Community Notice sign posted on the property related to the application, when applicable. 
  • Visit for full details of the Public Notification and Consultation process

Prior to an application being considered at a Council meeting, the District may require a property owner or developer to hold a public information meeting:    

  • As there is no specified format for the meeting, the applicant can host in whichever format they choose to provide information, answer questions and collect neighbourhood feedback
  • A summary of the meeting and received feedback will be included in the report to Council when the application is considered at a Council meeting 
  • Letters submitted by email, mailed or dropped off at Municipal Hall may also be included as attachments to the report to Council 

What’s next?

  • Summary of the developer led information meeting and neighbourhood consultation prepared by Staff along with land use information to be discussed at future Council meeting   
  • 1st and 2nd reading occurs at Council meeting 
  • Statutory notifications delivered to residents 
  • Public Hearing scheduled    

How can residents be informed and involved?

  • Subscribe to stay informed with District news at
  • Check the Council Meeting Calendar and read through Council meeting agendas and minutes to stay on top of discussion items  
  • Read through the Official Community Plan which is an important tool the community uses to guide growth in the District.
  • Attend public hearings which are advertised two weeks prior to the date of the event 
  • Community members can request further information or clarification by email to or visit Municipal Hall during regular business hours to speak with staff.

Note: any comments on social media are not moderated by District staff and do not form part of the report to Council. 

Community notice about proposed development