Regular Council Meeting Highlights - Sept 10, 2024

Community News


Mayor Ireland thanked volunteers and organizers of the ArtWalk event last weekend; shared a sad announcement of the recent passing of OKIB Elder Ranger Robins at 75 years old; and invited everyone to attend an “Idea Generator” workshop at Beasley Community Centre on Wednesday, September 18th (3:00-5:00pm) to share input and ideas on building a culture for sharing roads safely in Lake Country.

RCMP Strategic Priorities 

Insp. Jason Charney and Acting NCO/ic Cpl. Ryder Birtwistle provided a presentation on Lake Country RCMP detachment activities and strategic priorities. Proactive policing is encouraged in Lake Country.  Road safety has been reinforced through the allocation of a dedicated traffic member plus specific initiatives and intelligence-led monitoring. Community members are encouraged to relay accurate information to police so investigation and monitoring can be done in a timely fashion. 

SAFR- Safety Awareness Friends & Residents 

The meeting received a presentation from SAFR, a citizen group working with partner agencies to inspire a culture of safely sharing roads throughout the District of Lake Country. The key objective is to foster behaviour changes in all road users. They would love to see Lake Country become the model jurisdiction for safer shared roads. Collaborative team undertaking. Council was requested to continue to embed safer roads in strategic priorities and decision-making in the budget cycle and updates to the Official Community Plan (OCP). 

Larratt Aquatic 

Council viewed a presentation prepared by Larratt Aquatic on both Zebra and Quagga Mussels Risk Assessment Mapping-Summary Report and Wood Lake BC, A Review of Historical Conditions, Current Trends and Recommendations for a Sustainable Future. It was noted that Calcium is the parameter most of interest because the mussels need calcium to build their shells. The upper elevation sites such as Beaver Lake, Upper Vernon Creek, and Oyama and Damer Lake are least at risk, while Okanagan Lake, and Kalamalka Lake are at higher risk.

Heather Larratt and Sara Knezevic, discussed changes to the watershed since 1984 including urban changes around the shores of Wood Lake highlighting the hydrographic changes and nutrient condition changes in addition to wildfire impacts which accelerate the frequency of algae blooms. Sediment history of Wood Lake was reviewed noting water chemistry and ecology of the lake. Comments were offered on the decline in watershed resilience from logging, wildfire, roads/trails; nutrient enrichment from the watershed via fertilizers, urban development, roads; wake-surf boating, shoreline modification; climate change. 

Action requested included: 

  • Continue advocating for Provincial leadership roles in watershed protection
  • Support the new Kalamalka Wood Lake working group (TAC) 
  • Develop public outreach programs to educate locals and tourists 

Decontamination of boats is an effective protocol along with monitoring and enforcing. We all need to learn to Clean, Drain, Dry, just like we recycle. 

Development Variance Permit 

Council approved a Development Variance Permit for 18139 Crystal Waters Road to allow construction of proposed over height retaining walls to maintain the grade of an existing driveway to provide access to a garage and shore up walls to the upper driveway, anticipating that some shrubbery will be included for screening. 

Temporary Use Permit Renewal

Council approved a Temporary Use Permit Renewal for 9162 Glenmore Road to allow temporary land use of outdoor recreational vehicle and boat storage until August 16, 2026 (coinciding with rezoning from RR1 and RR3 to Industrial based on the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) deadline for the exclusion area contemplating future uses of the Lake Country Business Park area) 

15660 Oyama Road - Future Use of Property 

Council directed that staff work with the owner of 15660 Oyama Road to process a new expanded Temporary Use Permit as an interim measure to regulate the short-term use of the parcel of land for boat sales and storage, while other planning processes for the area are undertaken. Public engagement is required within the temporary use process; and the owner will come back to Council later in the fall for consideration of a 1-3 year temporary use permit considering the highest and best use of the land, acknowledging that work will be done to update the OCP. 

Indigenous Cultural Safety and Cultural Humility Training 2024 Grant

The Fire Chief requested and received Council’s support for the RDCO application to the UBCM Community Emergency Preparedness Fund for Indigenous Cultural Safety and Cultural Humility Training for Emergency Operations Centra staff training in 2025. 

Development Cost Charges (DCC) Amendment Bylaw 

Council gave third reading to the DCC Amendment Bylaw 1233, 2024. 

Building Strata Conversion of Occupied Duplex Building

Council approved a strata conversion of a duplex into two separate strata lots for a property at 10474/10472 Taiji Court. The building is relatively new (2021), is co-owned by two family members and the units are not rented. 

It was noted that in future, to simplify processes, authority for a decision on small strata lots may be delegated to the Approving Officer for similar small applications. Strata 101 presentation will be brought back to Council in future. 

Notice of Motion
Councillor Reed provided a verbal Notice of Motion requesting Council draft a letter to the CRTC about loss of local programming and Global Okanagan.