Capital Projects

A Capital Project is an initiative that helps maintain or improve the District's assets, which are often referred to as infrastructure. Typically capital projects are guided by master plans and are forecasted at least 5 years in advance. Many assets have specific lifecycles, and long term capital project planning is part of asset management. District assets include roads and fleet, water systems, sanitary and storm systems, buildings and parks and trails.

On December 17, 2024, Council considered the 2025 Early Approval list, which included a number of capital projects outlined in the draft 2025 Financial Plan.  The District's capital program begins on p. 41. Early Approval of funding permits the District to undertake important procurement steps and generates earliest opportunities for competitive purchasing in the new fiscal year.   Subscribe to the District's news to receive updates on all municipal activities Subscribe | District of Lake Country

To learn more about what's happening currently in the capital program, see the list of active projects Featured below. Sort by type to filter for particular interest.

Featured Projects

Type: Water

Status: In Progress

Type: Parks and Facilities

Status: In Progress

Type: Parks and Facilities

Status: In Progress


Type: Roads and Mobility

Status: In Progress

Type: Parks and Facilities

Status: Complete

Type: Parks and Facilities

Status: In Progress

Type: Roads and Mobility

Status: Complete